Jul 2, 2024 · NEWS RELEASE


COREnet project’s Golden Cases aim to build a peer-to-peer network of Short Food Supply Chain (SFSC) stakeholders, to understand advisors’ strengths, core skills and competencies across EU member states.

When it comes to SFSCs, it is not immediately clear who is providing the advice, what advice is being provided or how the advice is paid for. Golden cases are stories of SFSC models that have achieved business success and sustainability in the marketplace. These examples of good practices ought not to be comprehensive in terms of geographical representation, but rather in terms of the different SFSC types or models, advisory approaches and service arrangements deployed to support them.

The first SFSC good practice is that of Ijshoeve De Boey in Belgium, which produces ice cream. After a period of financial instability, advice on the sale of fresh unpasteurised milk to consumers was needed. The case works on a single advisor business plan to establish a multi-functional and sustainable farm owned by a family.

Secondly, Agrimarket Cagliari is a network of agrimarket establishments that aim at strengthening the connection between consumers and producers in local food markets. Set in Cagliari, Sardinia, the agrimarket gathers local producers to let them sell products coming from their production activities directly to buyers, while operating under Campagna Amica directives.

The third practice example, the Helyenvalo/Cumsecade Food Hub, learned how to run a social enterprise as a food hub from ‘the book’. By studying SFSCs good practices on the internet, the model built from the ground the legal requirements of the Romanian market.

Find the three Golden Cases on the COREnet Knowledge Hub.

Pictures by Leonardo Improta