The internal database of SFSC advisors is growing, now also linked with the I2CONNECT advisors database, as demonstrated by the high number of experts registered so far (more than 350), in cooperation with the EU4Advice sister project, newcomers are reaching us and expressing their interest in filling the online consent form for the establishment of a stable EU network of SFSC advisors. Moreover, the search for the KNCPs (Key National Contact Points) has been completed and new agreements established with entities dealing within advising, AKIS and SFSC. This will ensure that the COREnet impacts and visibility will reach all EU27 member countries, spreading knowledge and attracting new actors' interest in our network for the next few years to go. In parallel, partners are identifying and selecting Golden Cases, to highlight and share successful SFSC stories of EU advisors and farmers. We have 9 cases ready to be shared, while new ones are forthcoming, populating our online knowledge hub. This scouting activity will continue, also to push our next goal of promoting their replicability as Lighthouse projects among EU countries. On the other hand, the identified Golden Cases are already being used during field visits and to be promoted within the European Roadshows, our networking and peer-to-peer learning events. We have been also recently hosted by our partners Campagna Amica and Coldiretti in Cagliari - Italy (26-27 June 2024), where a field visit to local Golden Cases took place and several stakeholders, among experts and KNCPs attended the first European Roadshow dedicated to Italian AKIS, multi-actor approach and sharing of SFSC advising successful experiences. This two days' event represented a great occasion to get in touch with some Italian farmers and advisors, talking with them to better understand from their stories the advantages of being supported and accompanied by an advisor during the implementation of new businesses and opportunities for diversification, promoting a territory, local brand and social values, for the proximity between producers and consumers in line with the COREnet principles." |